This short film from emerging filmmaker Elsa Hunter-Weston explores the difficulties facing a young person on the cusp of adulthood as she wrestles with her own identity and communicating with others. Showcased on BBC iPlayer. Official Selection BFI Future Film Festival and Nominee Best Experimental Short. HOME Manchester Filmed Up series, Irish Film from Home, Disappear Here Festival and YOUKI International Youth Media Festival.
“We love how experimental films can convey so much in a very short amount of time, without over explaining and in a beautiful visual style. Elsa’s film managed to do all that and really made us feel the anxiety of the situation in quite a subtle and effortless manner” – The Filmed Up Panel.
A rough sleeper finds himself in a risky situation in this intimate and tense drama. Official selection Belfast Film Festival, Irish Film from Home, RTS NI Student Award Highly Commended, Women in Horror Semi-Finalist.
What is the value of human life? And what if you could bid for it? Elsa Hunter-Weston and Lucie Rigby's short film examines how the value of human life has been altered by a modern society driven by technology and social media. Playback Festival London, London Institute of Contemporary Arts, Sunderland Short Film Festival, Random Acts North. In partnership with Channel 4, Arts Council England and 5 national network centres.